Our fourth homeschool year!

It is our fourth homeschool year (not counting preschool years) and we all are ready to hop back into a daily rhythm of school + chores. This will be our first year schooling with a little one by our side since we are currently fostering a baby girl we are calling Little Pea.

Each year I try to look at what was working/not working. I ask the little men what they loved learning about and what they want to learn more about. It helps me to truly cultivate and create a plan that is customized just for us and our home.

I kept hearing about A Gentle Feast and after talking to a few sweet IG friends who use it, watching videos, etc. We decided to take the plunge and go all in.

I have always loved Charlotte Mason methods and I know they work for learning, so it's a bonus that Julie has put together a beautiful curriculum laid out with CM methods.

We also decided to try out a new math curriculum that is heavy on manipulatives and very teacher intensive. The cost upfront is high but we looked and researched quite a few and it is worth it!

You can check out a two week sample of A Gentle Feast on her website also!

Benjamin (4th grade)

Right Start Math Level D + Paper Sloyd

Cycle 1, A Gentle Feast (studying American History and British/World History, also US Geography)

Language Arts, A Gentle Feast (this includes copywork, spelling, dictation, grammar/phonics, composition and drawing)

Science: Amazing Inventions of DaVinci and the New Way Things Work 

Literature reads this year: The Door in the Wall, Rolf and the Viking Bow, Pedro's Journal, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nihm, Naya Nuki, Children of the New Forest, The Minstrel in the Tower. 

Piano Lessons



Book Club reads: Charlotte's Web, Caddie Woodlawn, Farmer Boy, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Ian (2nd grade)

Right Start Math Level B + Paper Sloyd

Cycle 1, A Gentle Feast (studying US Geography and American History)

Language Arts, A Gentle Feast (this includes copywork, spelling, dictation, grammar/phonics, composition and drawing)

Science along with Ben

Literature reads this year: Encyclopedia Brown, My Father's Dragon, The Storm, The Chocolate Touch, The King's Equal, Viking Adventure, Squanto, Cricket in Times Square, Little Pear

Piano Lessons



Book Club reads: Charlotte's Web, Caddie Woodlawn, Farmer Boy, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Our local Wild + Free homeschool group is pretty active as well and we do nature hikes and field trips with them throughout the year!

We joined Wild Explorers for an added nature study bonus this year. It takes two years to go through but we are currently taking our time. We are working through badge 2 right now.

For art lessons I am planning on joining the little men and we will be learning about brush drawing and techniques with watercolor! I am eager to learn more and stretch those artistic muscles along with them. I found Bestowing the Brush online and she gives so many free tutorials on her IG and youtube as well as a podcast with a wealth of info and encouragement!

Read alouds are planned throughout the year and we will be following a six weeks on, one week off schedule for our days.